Friday, October 25, 2019

GSuite training for office staff

I do a lot of teacher training for GSuite but not a lot of administrative staff training. I find even though the skills taught are similar, the application is quite different. Our office staff are experts in their field and can maximize business process management to many of their needs. It's a bit awkward for me to come in and recommend optimizations based on my experience in a classroom. It seems like one of those instances where someone wants to apply a business case study to an education environment, or vice versa -- some concepts just don't transfer easily.

Regardless, I ran a three-hour training session today for some our office staff. I opened by stating the above; that, full disclosure, I probably wasn't the best person to help them optimize their processes but I can show how the GSuite tools work. Hopefully they go off and leverage some new (some old) skills to make things more efficient.

I modified the Google Applied Skills GSuite Certification curriculum and came up with this slide deck. Feel free to make a copy and modify for your own needs: