Another focus would the integration of the ADST curriculum into our classes. It can be daunting for a teacher to consider yet another curriculum piece on top of what they're already doing, but I hope to show that the ADST is quite a simple add-on to already full teaching days.
In everyone's learning journey there are always moments of pause. Press space to continue.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Conference proposal accepted!
Over the Thanksgiving long weekend I received word that my proposal for the teacher candidate conference was accepted! I'm excited that my STEM colleague and I get a chance to show teacher candidates how things work (or don't work) in a real classroom setting. We have a couple of months now to gather materials and get some talking points down. I would like to focus on small, easy STEM projects they can do in their classrooms or makerspaces with a healthy dose of practicality. Sometimes real world situations don't mimic textbooks or university classes.