Monday, March 2, 2020

Primary STEM

In the last few weeks I've been doing some intensive STEM activities with our kindergarten classes. Intensive because it involved a lot of supervision and teacher involvement. We played with greenscreen wormholes:

where we used the greenscreen effect in iMovie to embed different images together.

After that, we used the greenscreen to transport students to the Arctic where they helped build igloos, swim with polar bears, and ice fished. The iPads made it quite easy since we could use the front camera and they could see themselves instantaneously, ala a weather forecaster on TV. For this activity we used the Doink Greenscreen app which is still the most feature-rich easy chromakey app I've used.

Another class we experimented with paper circuits. I gave segments of cooper tape out, a button battery and one LED and challenged them to make a circuit that lit the LED. Most were successful, though the finicky nature of the copper tape made for a lot of troubleshooting from teachers.

Today I decided I needed to step back a bit and let the kids do some of their own exploring. So I'm planning on just bringing down tubs of playdoh and toothpicks and let them loose with just a vague idea of "3D shapes." I might start with challenging them to make their initials and see where they take it!